July 5, 2010


This week I'm celebrating two things; my 2,000th post and my 66th birthday. I thought I'd celebrate by giving away some books, since that's my thing. Just leave a comment if you're interested in winning one or more of these books. I'll do a different drawing for each book.

City Quilts:
Turn your love of urban cityscapes into beautiful quilts. In this book, you'll discover the secrets of minimalist design-how to find beauty in the basic elements of your environment. These projects deliver exciting, vivid results with solid color fabrics.

Shit My Dad Says:
This is one funny memoir. Halpern's dad is a great guy, a pull yourself up by your bootstraps, success story. He went from being a poor kid in Kentucky to an Oncologist in San Diego. For all his success, he has a tough time expressing his love for his sons and usually uses lots of colorful language in the process. This book is fabulous but it is "R" rated; Tuesday's with Morrie meets F My Life. One chapter had me laughing so hard, that my husband and grandson wanted to know what was going on; so I read it to them and they were soon laughing, too. I bought this copy for my daughter Carrie, but she'd already read it. This is a hardcover.

Told entirely in the language of the energetic, pragmatic five-year-old Jack, ROOM is a celebration of resilience and the limitless bond between parent and child, a brilliantly executed novel about what it means to journey from one world to another. This is an ARC, that will be published 9/13/10.

Heartwarming and redemptive, OOGY is the story of the people who were determined to rescue this dog against all odds, and of the family who took him home, named him "Oogy" (an affectionate derivative of ugly), and made him one of their own. This is an ARC that will be published 11/1/10.

Pocket Posh Logic 2: 100 Puzzles

As convenient as it is stylish and as enjoyable as it is fashionable, the Pocket Posh Logic 2 puzzle book features a cover with a contemporary tactile design and comes in a handy 4" x 6" size, making it a smart, sophisticated accessory that goes with anything. It also fits nicely into a purse or pocket. The Pocket Posh Logic 2 puzzle book is a great way to exercise your mind—and look great while doing it! I have 2 of these to give to perfectly logical people.

This give away is now closed. Thank you everyone, winners will be announced on Wednesday, 7/13.

This give away takes the place of my regular Monday Book Give Away.

The winner of last week's book give away is Allie.


  1. I wouldn't mind winning any one of those books.
    I love to read

  2. I have been so eager to see City Quilts, so would love to win that, but the book about Oogy is also appealing because I love anything dog related.

    Congratulations on both the 2000 posts and 66th birthday!

  3. First of all, congratulaitons on 2000 posts - wowsers! I can't imagine ever getting there! Second, happy 66th birthday! Hubby just celebrated his on the 3rd. Hope you have a lovely day, filled with love, a few presents, and CAKE. You must have cake, LOL.

    Such lovely books! Oogy looks like a wonderful read, and I am a sucker for dog stories. I also have heard about Sh*t My Dad Says, and have thought about downloading it on my Kindle. So both of these would be great to win. Thank you so much!

  4. Happy 66th B.day Jan, celebrate n enjoy! Wow 2000 posts, congratulations, keep on blogging I love to visit!

  5. congratulations on both you 2000 posts and a birthday celebration! Wahoo!!!!

  6. Wait a minute, it's YOUR birthday and you're giving us presents? That's not right! lol I would love to win any of those, they all look great! I hope you have a wonderful birthday!

    2000 posts already?! Times flies so quickly!

  7. Well Congrats to you...and I think I may have read everything you have even written...which makes this even moer of a celebration. You know that I would love City Quilts! If Oogy is anything like Huck...would be good too. You are a dear!

    But seems we have this all backyards...you are supposed to be the one to recieve gifts.

    Happy Birthday...and congrats on the blogs.

  8. Happy 66th Birthday Jan. I do hope you have a wonderful birthday. And congratulations on your 2,000 post. What fun to celebrate both with such a giveaway. I'd love to check out the book City Quilts, but all your books (and reviews) are great!


  9. 2000 posts! I'm blown away. Thanks for sharing so much with all of us in the blog world. Happy, happy birthday. Eat lots of cake:) I'd love to have a copy of City Quilts. I've read lots about this new quilting book. I love dog stories. I imagine I'll cry when reading Oogy. Have a wonderful birthday week!

  10. Happy Birthday and 2000 posts! Wow that is alot of posting. I love to read and am new to your blog. I'll be back to read your reviews. :)

  11. Happy birthday !
    I can't imagine 2000 posts!
    congrats. I have that City Quilts book on my list of books I would love to own. Puzzle book would be really fun and the Sh*t my dad says sounds hysterical and we all need a good laugh !
    I hope you enjoy your birthday week, mine too!
    My birthday is Thursday the 8th!

  12. Congratulations!!
    I'd love to enter each of your wonderful book giveaways :)

    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  13. Happy 66th Birthday! And 2000 posts? Wow. I won't enter the draw because I've already won one of your books.

  14. Cool giveaway! Congrats on your milestones. I'd love to win any of these books, but mostly I'd love City QUilts or Sh*t My Dad Says :)

  15. happy birthday and congrats on your 2000th (!!!) post! I'd love to get my hands on City Quilts! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  16. I love books! And I am a quilter, so I would love the first one. But I would LOVE any of them!

    Thanks for the chance!
    Sandy A

  17. Thanks for the wonderful give away!!! I have rescued many animals and would love to read Oogy!!


  18. Happy Birthday! I turned 60 myself about a week ago. I am a quilter, so City Quilts interests me. Also the second book, Sh*t My Dad Says, sounds like a hoot and anything that makes us laugh is good.

  19. Yay! More books! Happy Birthday Jan! Sh*t my Dad says and Room. Thanks again!

  20. Congrats on your birthday and your 2000th! Wow! How many words is that :) Thank you for offering your buffet of literary tidbits. We have a number of summer birthdays in our family, and they all sound like gift opts. I just found your blog and will be back (with a clean plate) to zip back through your blog and see your book reviews and snippets. Would love to be entered in your giveaway(s). Thank you for your generosity!
    nsue21702 at gmail dot com

  21. happy happy birthday!!!
    and congrats on your 2000th post! wow!!!!
    i love city quilts
    and books are super great!
    thanks for the great giveaway!

  22. Happy Birthday!!! Have you decided what to be when you grow up yet?

    I would love to enter the draw for the city quilts book. I have been admiring it from afar.

    Thank you so much for the generous giveaway!

  23. wow, it was really hard to choose between "city quilts" and "shit my dad says", but I've been wanting "city quilts" since i first saw a pattern from it, so I guess I'll go with that one

  24. I can never choose between books! Who can? Thank you for the very generous giveaway.
    City quilts, Shitmy dad says, OOgy or the posh logic whihc my daughter would love.Thanks again. Colleen

  25. What great books. I have heard a lot about "S**t My Dad Says". It sounds hilarious. Thanks for the chance to win any of these wonderful books.

  26. I have been eyeing City quilts for a while. I love the minimalism.

  27. I would like to read Room, I think and I've been looking at City quilts online - the photos are quite striking!

  28. congratulations on soooo many posts! i just can't keep up :)

    that city quilts book keeping popping up everywhere i turn. i think "we" are meant to be together...

  29. Thank you for this giveaway. My book choices would be City Quilts or S*** My Father Says.

  30. Congratulations on your 2000th and your birthday. I wish I were of the same mindset. I'd love, City Quilts, Oogy, or S**t my Dad says. Thanks for the opportunity.

  31. Thanks for the chance to win "one or more." What a miracle that would be if I DO win one!

  32. Oh MAN!! I have been eyeballing "Shit My Dad Says" for a while! I follow him on twitter and it is just hilarious stuff! Great giveaway!

  33. Being new to quilting I would love the win the city quilts book. Conrats on reaching all the milestones!

  34. Happy Birthday! City Quilts looks wonderful.

  35. Congratulations and Happy Birthday! I would love to win City Quilts or Pocket Posh Logic. Thanks for the chance!

  36. ♪ ♫ HAPPY 66TH BIRTHDAY! ♪ ♫
    I'd love a chance to win City Quilts and the Posh Logic books! Many thanks!

  37. Love the City Quilts!


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