August 12, 2010

Shoot Me, 14 of 52

Oden and I went to the San Diego Zoo, twice last week. As we were leaving on Saturday, I thought we should get a photo of the two of us. The top one was attempting to use the timer on my camera, not so hot. The middle one I asked a young man to snap, just OK. I decided to give the timer another try, and ended up with the bottom on. None are great, but our day was fabulous!

Shoot Me! is hosted by Carin, of Forever in Blue Jeans. Thank you Carin for hosting.


  1. Jan,
    Nice meeting you!

    Camera timers can sure be difficult at times!

    I, too, love quilting. We've relocated to northern Portugal since I discovered my love of quilting, and have realized that no one here knows of this beautifully rewarding hobby! I don't have the necessary supplies to quilt here like I did in Georgia. I miss it so badly....I had a great machine, or so I thought, that won't work here. And I don't have the patience to hand piece. I think I'll take a look around, I think I remember you having a blog for your quilting???

    Anyway....great "Shoot Me" photo!

  2. The first one brings the most giggles, lol. I'm sure you guys had a great time!

  3. Thats a great way to spend time with your grandson Jan.

  4. Thats a great way to spend time with your grandson Jan.

  5. It was like a tease....will we get to see your face? I'm glad you had a good time at the zoo.

  6. Thank goodness for those timers otherwise, precious moments would be lost. Hope you and your grandson had a great day together. San Diego Zoo is on my "to do" list.


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