Vintage Chica is having a Back-to-School Book Week! (Aug 30-Sept 3) Here's the run down:
Monday: Your favorite craft book(s)
Tuesday: Your favorite cookbook(s)
Wednesday: Your favorite fiction book
Thursday: Your favorite non-fiction book
Friday: Free Day! Any book you think deserves mentioning!
There are far more non-fiction books in the bookstore than fiction. I have two favorites that I hand-sell, all the time. The first is Devil In The White City, by Eric Larson. This is a thrilling American history book. The White City is Chicago at the time of it's first World Expo. Larson tells about how the Expo came to be and how it was developed, while he tells the story of the "devil", a serial killer taking advantage of young women coming to the "big city". If all authors wrote history the way Larson does, we would all read history, all the time.
Next is Shadow Divers by Robert Kurson. This is a military history book. Kurson recounts how two Americans risked everything to solve the mystery of a Nazi submarine found off the New Jersey coast in 1991, almost 50 years after the war ended. It is a wonderful book.

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