I haven't posted on this page for a week; not unheard of but unusual. I've been busy, but have had nothing important, or un-important to blog about.
I did post on FB about two unusual customer experiences, one with a b*tch:
I did post on FB about two unusual customer experiences, one with a b*tch:
And one with a nice young man, trying to get his life in order:
As always, on FB, I got some great comments on these post.
Last night Bob and I went to a Dodgers Game. Sharon and Oden were already planning on going. Sharon had won great seats to the game, as part of a charity auction she participates in every year. Their seats were in the field level, right behind home plate.
Bob and I had nothing planned for Monday, so we decided to go, too. The Dodgers have a great deal, if you buy certain seats, you get a free MetroLink train ride, and bus ride, to the ballpark. We bought the deal, but ended up driving; Riverside County is the only one that service stops before the game ends; we could get there but not get home until the morning! Next time we'll do that deal for a day game, it should be fun.
I ran into Sharon and Oden getting Dodger Dogs, and gave Sharon her birthday card. Yes, it was her birthday, yesterday. After they'd eaten, they came and visited with Bob and I at our seats. They were seated in section 1 and we were in section 43.
If you know me, you know my favorite Dodger is Matt Kemp. Here's some Kemp overload:
Another of my favorites is Tony Gwynn Jr. He was born in Long Beach, how could I not love the kid.
Here's the two of them goofing off, between innings.
Sharon got her name in lights, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHARON PRYTZ. What a treat. No photo of the birthday girl, on her birthday. Here's an old one of all of us.
Thanks for stopping by, we enjoyed having you,

That must have felt so exciting to see your name pop up at the game. How fun!