I just read a book, (I know, it's hard to believe). The Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick, has been out for awhile, but I learned it's going to be made into a movie. The movie is going to star Mark Wahlberg, I think he's great; and it's about family, friendships, connections and football. How can this be bad. It can't. So, I read it, and loved it.
Pat Peoples, a married high school teacher, has spent four years in a neural health facility. He's finally rescued by his mother, and brought home against the wishes of his father. Pat thinks he's only been gone a couple of months. He still has issues, including an explosive temper, but works hard to overcome them. "As Pat doggedly practices being kind rather than right, grace enters his life in unexpected ways. In refusing to be defeated by pessimism, Pat learns about true silver linings, not pretty happy endings."*
This novel really touched me and I've been talking to Bob and Sharon about how important it is to be kind, rather than right. Sharon loved the idea of incorporating this into Oden's life, too.
It's better to be Kind than Right.
Thanks for stopping by, we enjoyed having you,

sounds like a good book, I'll have to check it out :)