The rest is non-Memorial Day related.
In the Sports page there was an article about Jerry Sands, he's a utility player, and in his off time he substitute teaches in my grand kids school district in NC. Here's the link if you want to read about a great guy:,0,7050260.story

In the Calendar section, an article about Robert De Niro caught my eye. He received an honorary doctorate in fine arts from Bates College, in Maine. He joked about the money he "saved nearly $6,000, by not having to pay tuition and expenses for four year of education."

He also offered some serious advise: "If you're an actor, always be true to your character. If you're not an actor have character and always be true to yourself." I love that quote.
The Times didn't offer a link, but here's the Bates College link:
Thanks for stopping by and sharing my life with me,

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