This was my blog post four years ago, today. I like this post, so I thought I'd share it.
Months ago, one of Carrie's friends called us California Granola Hippies, when she found out how Carrie and Sharon had been parented. You see, I was the main parent, and I decided, since we were not-affluent (in the extreme), I really didn't need television commercials selling my kids "stuff". Mainly, "stuff" they didn't need and/or was poor quality. If they didn't see it on TV, they wouldn't know to beg for it. My solution was PBS. No commercials. Educational. Fun. Age appropriate.
Now, don't get me wrong, I didn't raise them to only be Moms. They were raised to be anything they wanted, but if they decided to be a Mom, I wanted them to be a good one, and Barbie’s just don't foster parenting skills. So no regular TV, no Barbie’s.
What else? I think that's about it.
I want to tell you, my plan worked. My daughters not only are beautiful and successful, they are both great mothers.
(You may wonder why I called myself "the main parent". Bob and I had 4 parents between us, we each had a Mom and a Dad; but when we had our own children we realized, that out of our 4 parents, we really only had one "good" one, my Dad. Bob was at a distinct disadvantage; he didn't bow out, but he stepped back on a lot of things. He felt he had a lot to learn with no role models at all.)
Thanks for stopping by and sharing my life with me,

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