Pip of Meet Me At Mikes has started a 52 lists, one for every week of the year, and I'm going to try to keep it up for the year. This is the first week of the project; I've lived my whole life in SoCal. I was born in Long Beach and lived there until I was 20 and married.
Then, Paramount and Bell Gardens for 6 months each, they weren't very good neighborhoods. Paramount our car insurance company asked us to move, if we wanted them to keep insuring our '62 Corvette. Bell Gardens, we lived there during the first Watts riots. It was not a mixed race area, and we had outsiders knocking on doors asking what "side" we were one, and neighbors going to work with shotguns.
We moved to Downey to be near North American Aviation, Bob's employer. Bob built the Apollo Command Module that made the first trip to the moon.
When we found out I was pregnant with Carrie, we moved back to Long Beach and purchased our first home. We stayed in that home for 30 years.
When Bob retired from the LAPD, we relocated to Murrieta. We live in a 55+ golf course community. We're very happy here and have made many great friends. We've lived here for 14+ years.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing my life with me,

I know that picture! haha.