I saw this on Pinterest, and didn't pin it. I really find these over long photo collages irritating on Pinterest. Don't get me wrong, some of them are wonderful, wonderful and irritating.
I loved this one and thought I'd post it here on the blog. Several of these photos really touched my heart. I love the mailbox one, the one from the concert and the one from Disneyland. Which one(s) do you ♥? Tell me what is your most recent act of kindness?
This is my most recent act of kindness: I was at a local postal store and the guy in front of me was purchasing two padded envelopes. When he found out he couldn't pay with his credit card, for a purchase under $5.00, he was ready to walk out without his envelopes. I told him to hold on, "I've got you covered".
This is my most recent act of kindness: I was at a local postal store and the guy in front of me was purchasing two padded envelopes. When he found out he couldn't pay with his credit card, for a purchase under $5.00, he was ready to walk out without his envelopes. I told him to hold on, "I've got you covered".

Thanks for stopping by and sharing my life with me,

Tears in my eyes and a smile on my face.