The third time, there was no one close to my age, so I asked a young woman. Honestly she gave me the most complicated directions. I'm pretty sure I would have ended up in Brooklyn if I followed her directions Instead I stood in the subway station under the Rockafeller Plaza and figured it out for myself. Truthfully, it took me a long time, but I figured it out.
These photos have nothing to do with asking for directions. I took them when I walked across the Brooklyn Bridge. There was massive construction going on in the center of the bridge, so I really couldn't see much. It was a good walk, but I wish I'd done it years ago, when I was younger, and there was no construction.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing my life with me,

Wonderful shots of New York, I really must get up there sometime. I don't like getting lost so hubby bought me a new phone with GPS. I love it! BUT, it doesn't work when you're in the mountains of Pennsylvania, and I daresay a few other places :)
An English Girl Rambles