Two weeks ago, Frisco, our 7 year old American Spaniel, managed to press the button that lowered the rear window, jumped out of our moving car, fell under it, and was run over. I blogged about it here, if you want to read about it. He's doing great, and got his stitches out today! Our vet said he was doing great, too.
When I went on a recent 6 week trip, it was a packing challenge. Six weeks is a long time, and we were going to visit different climates. One of the things I did was pack things I could throw away, namely socks and panties. No, I didn't buy disposables, I packed what I had, at least four weeks worth, that I didn't bring home. I purchased large ziplock bags, and each bag held 2 weeks worth of disposables. Bag One was for thru the Panama Canal, Bag Two was for Transatlantic and Bag Three was for Copenhagen and NYC. Bag Three had the only contents that came back home to Murrieta. Bob did the same thing.
On the 6 week trip, in addition to discarding undies, I also lost 5 pounds! We've been home for two months and I've dropped 5 more pounds. It's a slow loss and I'd like to lose 10 more, but I'm happy with what's happened and the additional 10 will happen eventually.
We're seriously thinking of going on another cruise in early December. We've been married 50 years and been on 12 cruises, so you can see we normally don't cruise yearly, or twice in one year, for sure. But hey, it doesn't hurt to think about it. The one we're mulling over is a 10 day Eastern Caribbean cruise, with 4 sea days and 5 ports.

The winner of the soap from Eden Hills Market is Kimberly Martinez! Kimberly, Teresa from Eden Hills will send a bar of Pumpkin Spice Goat Milk Soap off to you.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing my life with me,

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