It's been eons since I've posted. I'm doing pretty well, but I don't have any fun family things to post about.
I put together this collage of me and my Dad and thought I'd post about him. My sister and I were very lucky to have him as our Dad. He always put us first. He had what I call "terrible taste in women", including our mom. She wasn't equipped to be a good mother, and Dad did his best to make up for it. Our mom and his 2nd wife were both very self-centered, making them alike in some ways. Ways that didn't make for a great family life. My sister and I were adults with our own families when Dad divorced our mom and married wife #2. He protected us even then by creating a separate trust that could only be dipped into if #2, had used all of her funds. Since she had no children or living heirs, the plan was to have her wealth pass to us if any remained. Of course, she gave everything away to a non-relative. Such is life, but our Dad had the foresight to make sure my sister and I would benefit from his hard work and financial planning. He went from a hard scrapple depression-era life to a comfortable world traveler through his hard work and intelligence.
My Dad has been gone for 13 years, but he's in my thoughts all the time.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing my life with me,

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