July 21, 2015


My life is humming right along.  I had a nice 71st birthday, probably the most low-key birthday in 50 years.  I got an orchid plant as a gift, my first, from Carrie.  Sharon called while I was walking the dogs, and sang Happy Birthday on voice mail, ala MM breathy, I think she was singing at her desk at work.

On my birthday, I also reconnected with an old friend, she asked if I was still playing cards.  I told her that the old group of card players had fallen apart when Bob started chemo, but I wanted to start the group again, she asked to be included.  Yesterday, I talked to another couple who had been part of our group years ago, and they'd also like to play.  I hope I can start the group again, next month.

I had a surprise in the mail.  This certificate came from the Department of Defense.  The letter said that President Obama wanted to recognize Bob for his military service.  When he retired he also received certificates from President Clinton, the governor, the mayor for his service as a policeman.

Now, I'll get to the "wonderful" referred to in the post title.  As I was reading my daughter's blog today, I followed a link to "The 7 Rules of Compliment Club",  a July 2 post on Joy The Baker.  You should go over and read the post.

Essentially, the post describes a great way to live.

The 7 Rules of Compliment Club
  1. Look for the positive in other people.
  2. Be genuine.
  3. Be Specific.
  4. Be heartfelt is how things make you FEEL.
  5. Chill on the back-handed compliments.
  6. Just go for it!
  7. Don’t expect anything in return.
I think this is perfect, and we all should be members of the Compliment Club.  What do you think?

Thanks for stopping by and sharing my life with me,


  1. Ah, I'm so glad you liked the compliment club post - it's such a great way to show you care & are authentic. xo

  2. Lovely post Jan. How wonderful for your husband to receive such recognition from the President. Happy Birthday, even though I am way late and I enjoyed the 7 rules of the compliment club.


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