The first day of the tour, we saw a Cubs game. When the tour was planned, it was an afternoon game, but the time the tour rolled around MLB had changed it to a night-time game.
This is the company I toured with. I highly recommend Jay Buckley's Baseball Tours. They put together 26-28 trips a year. This was my third trip with them, and I've already booked another trip, in September.
Selfie, at the elevator.
Since the scheduling had changed, they needed to fill up our day, before heading to the ballgame. One stop was at the United Center, to see Michael Jordan's stature. This statue is wonderful. It emphasises how little chance his opponents had! I always wear a shirt for the home team, unless my team is playing.
Our next stop was the Italian American Sports Hall of Frame. It was very interesting.
Then we went to Chicago's Navy Pier. We had lots of time to kill and it was time for lunch. I love their Ferris Wheel. This replacement was produced by the Dutch company that made the first one for the Navy Pier.
The next day we were in Cleveland for an afternoon game.
On these bus trips, it's important to find a landmark, so you can get back to the bus!
Progressive Field is a beautiful ballpark.
Every day on the bus. there were a couple of cribbage games, going on. Me, I usually had my nose stuck in a book.
Then we were off to Pittsburg. I love Pittsburg! It's a city of rivers and bridges, and it's beautiful.
I could see Heinz Field from my hotel room.
This is a view of PNC Park, from across the river.
In the morning we had a tour of PNC Park. The tour included the batting cages. See that sign, only men touched the bats. All the women resisted.
This is the view from the home team dugout.
Below, I'm posing with my new friend JoAn.
JoAn is a Californian, too. On our bus of 54 people, 5 were from other countries, and 15 were from California! We Californians like to travel!
After the tour of PNC park, we were back on the bus for a tour of Pittsburg. The neat thing about this tour is that I saw all new sights. (Different from the last time I toured.)
A couple of shots of Pittsburgh from an overlook.
And a couple of shots during the game. We had rain threatened at every game, but we were very lucky. No games were rained out, and 6 of the 8 home teams won!
The fifth day we went to Canada to see Niagra Falls!
Niagara Falls
American Falls
This photo was taken by my friend JoAn. It's just perfect.
One of mine, of Niagara Falls. They were really spectacular. I was amazed that I really couldn't hear the roar of the falls. I was expecting them to be noisy.
We had great seats at every ballgame. At Rodgers Centre in Toronto, we initially had the sun in our eyes, but that didn't last long.
Russell Martin, on of my favorites, was catching for the Blue Jays.
The view from my seat, looking straight down the 2nd base line.
Toward the end of the game, this was our sky view.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing my life with me,

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