Eric Clapton's' tour was going to be in NYC as well as LA, but I was going to be out of town, on a cruise on his LA dates. Do I need to tell you that I love Clapton, and because of his health problems I was determined to see him this year? It was a good thing I went to NY to see him, his LA dates were postponed for 6 months due to his health. It was a great experience. I had a great seat and my next-door seat-mates were two gals from Texas.
It was actually easier to go to the concert alone in New York, than here in SoCal. Here I would have had to drive to Inglewood, a 1.5 to2 hour drive, coming out of the Forum alone at 11 pm, and walking to my car might not have been very safe; then the drive home, another long drive. In NY, I walked 3 blocks to Madison Square Garden and walked home with the rest of the crowd. I always stay at the Tryp Hotel, it's the best.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing my life with me,

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